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Stretch Marks: Why Do We Have Them – And How Do We Remove Them?

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What are stretch marks? Frustrating! Irritating! Pesky! All of the above. These stripes or streaks of skin can be a source of discomfort – not physically, but not everyone is comfortable showing their stretch marks. What causes stretch marks, and more importantly, what can you do to remove them?

The Why

Stretch marks are aptly, if not creatively, named. They develop when the skin is stretched too quickly. The dermis tears, and under layers of skin show through. Now, skin is designed to stretch to accommodate growth; stretch marks occur when growth happens too rapidly.

This is why you’ll see them during puberty, pregnancy or when people gain or lose weight rapidly. Stretch marks may also be the result of certain medical conditions (e.g. Cushing’s Syndrome) or with long-term use of corticosteroids. They can appear on the abdomen, breasts, hips, buttocks, thighs and/or the side between the ribs and hip.

When they first make their appearance, stretch marks can be raised and red, pink, purpose, red-brown or dark brown in colour. Eventually, they flatten and turn silvery.

The Why Do I Have to Put Up with Them?

You don’t! Today’s technological advances have enabled practitioners to help you remove stretch marks effectively. The best options:

Ultraformer HIFU: Through this revolutionary – and noninvasive – microneedling procedure, high intensity focused ultrasound energy is introduced to the lower layers of the dermis. Low level heat is generated, which stimulates the production and regeneration of collagen. This vital protein gives skin its resilience and can help eliminate stretch marks – as well as tighten and firm the skin.

Dermapen: Microneedling may sound intimidating – but it’s your stretch marks that ought to be afraid! This treatment creates miniscule “micro wounds” in the skin, promoting the development of collagen.

Infini: Infini combines microneedling with RF technology. Concentrated radio frequency is delivered to the target area, spurring the production of resiliency-giving collagen and elastin. The microneedles allow you to bypass the first layer and get to the dermis without traumatising the skin.

Which option is right for you? Talk to our expert team to learn how you can say goodbye to stretch marks.


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