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Microneedling – the solution to stretchmarks


Can microneedling help remove stretch marks?

Across our 8 London clinics we are noticing more men and women are turning to microneedling to deal with their stretch marks. Stretch marks are most commonly caused by changes in weight and pregnancy and occur when your skin stretches quickly.

what are stretch marks?

Stretch marks rarely cause medical problems but can have a negative impact on your self-esteem and quality of life and are a a major aesthetic concern for some.

They can appear white in colour, lighter brown, or sometimes red depending on your skin tone and can cause some edema or swelling. Mature stretch marks are linear and a type of atrophic scar where the skin heals below the normal level.

stretch marks on stomach

The most common areas for stretch marks

Stretch marks can appear anywhere on the body, most commonly:

  • stomach
  • inner thighs
  • buttocks
  • breasts
  • arms

If they are unsightly and you feel self conscious, there is a solution; a technique called microneedling.

What is microneedling?

Microneedling is a form of collagen induction therapy. It is a fractional treatment as only a small part of the skin is affected. It is a safe, simple, minimally invasive procedure and effective treatment for a range of conditions from acne to stretch marks and skin rejuvenation. There are now a number of devices available to perform microneedling, ranging from the derma roller to the Dermapen.

Collagen induction therapy

Collagen induction therapy refers to a treatment that stimulates your body to produce collagen and elastin. Collagen and elastin are vital for skin health and the production decreases as we age. They give your skin its elastic qualities, strength youthful appearance.

Microneedling and stretch marks

Microneedling is a way of stimulating your body’s healing processes. This heals skin naturally. It makes sense that you might be wary of the idea of subjecting yourself to hundreds of micro wounds, but microneedling is a safe way to use your own body’s natural response to get rid of stretch marks.

Each micro injury created results in your body starting a healing process. This process increases your body’s natural production of collagen and elastin.

These naturally fight the signs of ageing and improve the tone of your skin.

Microneedling has also been used to :

There are a few different approaches that are useful:

Different types of microneedling

We provide the three leading manufacturers of RF microneedling and microneedling technology. They are Ultracel, Infini and Dermapen and are available across our 8 London clinics.

This combines radio frequency microneedling with high intensity, focused ultrasound. The “RF” in Ultracel RF microneedling stands for the radio frequency microneedling device that delivers heat, tightening deeper layers of skin and not just the surface layer.

The high intensity ultrasound is precisely focused to stimulate the growth of collagen. It travels below the top layer of the skin and works at the deeper layers leaving the upper layers of skin for the microneedling. In effect it is a treatment that works on the outside and inside making it a powerful and effective choice.

This is a precise technology where you can customise treatments in a very exact way. Its uses 49 micro needles and can penetrate to 3.5mm. It also takes advantage of radio frequency microneedling to heat and tighten deeper layers of collagen. It’s very useful for eliminating wrinkles and scars for those with darker or more tanned skin tones.

Dermapen microneedling is ideal for a course of treatment designed to repair deep wrinkles, scars, and blotches. It’s the most prolific microneedling approach and is suited for a broad range of skin tightening and tone improvement. Unlike RF microneedling, Dermapen does not send a radio frequency down in to the deeper layers of the skin.

stretch mark removal on buttocks

microneedling for stretch marks costs

Depending on the treatment you opt for will determine how much you pay. Expect to pay for a series of treatments rather then one treatment as multiple treatments are often required for best results.

Dermapen microneedling prices start from £183 

RF microneedling prices start from £270

Ultracel prices start from £270

Is microneedling safe for stretch mark removal?

Microneedling is safe and is an FDA-approved electronic fractional device. It heals skin naturally and is an ideal way to take years off your look. It can help with imperfections as precise as very fine wrinkles, or as broad as stretch marks.

While adverse reactions are rare, possible side effects include scarring, infection, skin and tissue necrosis, herpes simplex outbreak, hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation. Any skin colour changes normally fades within 6 months, but in rare instances could be permanent. This reaction is more common if you have a darker skin tones.

microneedling aftercare

Straight after the procedure your skin will feel tighter, maybe swollen, drier and sensitive to the touch. It’ll also look and feel sunburned.

Sensitivity and redness reduce within 24 hours. You may also experience itching, bleeding or bruising, scabbing, and the treated area may darken. Your skin may feel like rough like sandpaper but this should only last 2-7 days as your skin flakes off, being replaced by new tissue.

Avoid the sun following treatment as it can worsen the treated area. Avoiding direct sun exposure both before and after treatment.

Is microneedling for me?

Different types of microneedling and courses of treatment are ideal for different people who are looking for it to solve different problems. Your first step if you are thinking about do something about your stretch marks is to speak a skin specialist. That may be your doctor, dermatologist or skin expert at a clinic like ours

Microneedling stretch marks treatment near me

If you live in London or near on of our 9 clinics then why not speak to us about treating your stretch marks with microneedling.

We have been treating and advising Londoners since 2008 with their laser and skin issues. We can help you figure out the approach that will best help you heal scars, achieve a younger look, or get rid of stretch marks whether that be through microneedling or other treatments.

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