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Skin Deep News by Premier Laser

Category: IPL

The Difference Between IPL and Laser Hair Removal

Laser hair removal and intense pulse light (IPL) has been the ‘go-to’ method for long-term hair removal for many years. Health Centre states: “In the 1990s, it was proven that intense pulsed light was an effective method of hair removal, and IPL machines were developed and marketed for this purpose.” Since then, with advanced technology,…

The Ultimate Guide To Pigmentation, Its Causes & Treatments

Thank you for visiting our ultimate guide to pigmentation. We hope after you have finished reading it you will be better prepared to tackle your pigmentation. (8 min read) This guide covers the following areas: What is pigmentation? What causes skin pigmentation? Pigmentation and hyperpigmentation Common pigmentation issues Vitiligo Albinism Melasma Sun damage sun spots…

Treatments to Get You Wedding Ready

You want to look your best when you’re preparing for your wedding. There are a number of treatments that can help you achieve your best look. Each comes with particular strengths, depending on your goal. The best approach is to coordinate with a single clinic that can help you form a precise plan of action.…

IPL: What You Should Know

The field of dermatology and skin care treatment has seen incredible advances in recent years. People who have struggled with skin conditions without relief for years – or their entire lives – suddenly have options to pursue. But sometimes those options can be confusing. What is IPL, how could it help your skin and is…

What are Freckles – And What Are Your Options If You Want to Treat Them?

Freckles are a common skin concern, some love their freckles, where as others may wish they weren’t so visible. In this blog we will uncover what freckles are – and how you can treat them effectively? First, know that freckles are not themselves harmful, nor do they indicate a health problem. They are simply small,…

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