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Skin Deep News by Premier Laser

Category: Anti Aging Skin treatments

Peels For Younger-Looking Healthier Skin

Do you want your skin to look younger and fresh without surgery? Or maybe you’re sick of the countless failed attempts of forcing down a green kale smoothie each morning. With Premier Laser and Skin’s natural infused peels there is no need to go under the knife for flawless younger looking skin. Check out our…

The truth about skin peels

When you think of the term ‘skin peel’, you probably imagine the application of harsh, damaging chemicals, resulting in the skin physically peeling off. And in some cases you would be right. Some types of skin peels are incredibly invasive, using painful acids to strip back the skin and promote collagen growth. A deep or…

4 Things You Should Think Twice About Before Using On Your Skin

We’ve all been through our fair share of skin products, trying everything from anti-ageing ‘miracle cures’ to serums with plant extracts that claim to be 98% natural. Some stand by a big price tag, believing that paying more guarantees more. And then some claim to make their skin baby soft with only what’s in their…

Unlock Yogas Anti Ageing Power Today

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Start Yoga Today There as been a big hype over yoga in recent years and it appears rightly so. You could be forgiven into thinking that yoga is easy, I mean after all it is for girls right? Wrong! Yoga although it looks very delicate and controlled is actually demanding but the health gains reaped from…

Use These 5 Simple Foam Rolling Exercises To Feel 10 Years Younger

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Feel 10 Years Younger With 5 Simple Foam Rolling Exercises Do you wake up feeling achy and stiff most mornings? Many people as they reach midlife age start to gain around a pound a year mainly due to lack of physical activity. In addition at 40 years of age you will start to lose muscle…

Christmas At The Premier Laser Clinic

I am sure many of you have already put up your Trees and have decorated your homes for the Christmas period but have you given a second thought to your Christmas outfit? In the few weeks running up to Christmas it is the perfect time to start thinking of your festive outfit and to get…

10 Common Things That Could Be Ageing You

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Habits are hard to break; that’s a given…which is why many of us continue to follow routines and to ingest things we know won’t do us any good at all even though deep down, we want to stop. The daily stresses of life, the problems with sleep and the tiredness which many of us use…

How To Get Rid Of Eye Bags

Unwanted extra baggage or “pouches” beneath your eyes, known as under-eye bags, can cause you to look permanently tired. It can bring unwanted self-issues, affect your self-confidence and be time-consuming if you were to try and cover it up. It is especially disheartening if you are in good health and feel energised but your outward…

5 Ways To Reduce Your Neck Wrinkles

  A creased and wrinkly looking neck is the bane of many people’s lives but in particular, women’s lives. Women’s skin is more prone to wrinkles and lines and the skin around your neck is the thinnest on your body. Despite this, it’s also one of the most neglected areas of the body and many…

Stay Young With These Natural Age Defying Beauty Tips

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] In today’s society youth is prized…it’s everywhere! Television presenters are youthful in appearance if not teenagers, pop stars, actors and even business people appear as youthful as possible and it follows that ordinary people will want to emulate this. And why not? Youth is synonymous with health and vitality…nobody wants to appear elderly! A…

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