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7 Fat Busting Foods You Should Eat To Loose Weight

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Eating to lose weight?

How much of a contradiction is that statement?

Not much at all if you eat the right sort of foods! When we talk about eating yourself slim we don’t mean chowing down on cake and biscuits…we mean choosing the right sorts of foods, the foods which will give your body what it needs in the correct form and ensure that you don’t suffer from cravings when your blood sugar dips.

Some of the foods are surprisingly tasty too! It’s not all about cabbages and lettuce…read on to learn the 7 fat busting foods which you need on the menu if you’re watching your weight!


  • Hummus: Hummus is a tasty treat which is made up of chick peas…now if you’re not fond of hummus then just go for the chick peas instead! Chick peas have been noted in the diets of people with smaller waistlines and they’re an excellent food which are packed full of vitamins and minerals. Because they are quite dense they will keep you feeling fuller for longer. If you’re not sure whereabouts in your meal plan to place chick peas, a simple idea is to include them in a large salad. Canned chick peas are simple to prepare and when mixed with a tonne of fresh salad they’re really tasty and filling too!


  • Prunes: Recent research from Liverpool University looked at people who are a handful of this dried fruit every day and found they lost weight a whole lot faster than those who did not. The reason is that prunes are packed with fibre which is excellent for digestion and will keep your body ticking over as it should do.


  • Peanuts and Peanut Butter: Peanuts are a real super food and both the butter and the nuts are full of peptide YY which is what makes you feel full after eating. Eat two tablespoons of peanut butter or a handful of nuts with your breakfast and watch your metabolism stabilise! You need to teach your body to run on a good breakfast and nuts are brilliant for this.


  • Oat Bran: Again this full-of-fibre cereal is a wonder food for helping digestion and it keeps you full all morning cutting the chances of snack attacks halfway through your day.


  • Avocado: Beautifully rich and very filling; pop half of an avocado in with your sandwich and you will get through the hours between meals with no bother. Avocado is very filling and the “good fats” are fabulous for your skin.


  • Chocolate: That’s right…chocolate! Choose the dark kind over the milk kind and the antioxidants in this sweet treat will assist your weight loss. Don’t overindulge though! A few squares per day are ample!

Losing weight through eating is like looking at a picture from a new angle…don’t think of a diet as “losing” anything…it’s all about change, not deprivation. Eat the right sorts of foods in sensible portions and you will find weight loss a sync.

If you still have a few stubborn pockets of fat maybe Coolsculpting can help ? Proven to reduce stubborn areas by up to 30%. Speak to us today and say goodbye to stubborn fat




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