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Skin Deep News by Premier Laser

Month: June 2020

Face Masks & your Skin – 7 Skincare Tips to Prevent Acne, Irritations & Rashes

Now that face masks are protecting us from harmful viruses we still have to take care of our skin –  here are 7 skincare tips to prevent acne, irritations & rashes Even the most visionary fashion designers couldn’t have predicted this seasons must-have accessories….. Face masks !… …and a full range of Personal Protective Equipment…

Pros and Cons of Hifu Facial Treatment

Pros & Cons of HIFU Hifu facial treatment is a popular choice for those who want to achieve visible results without the downtime, incision, or cost of surgery.  There are many signs of ageing; lines and wrinkles, loss of skin elasticity and rough-textured appearance.  Luckily today we also have many effective and proven anti-ageing treatments. …

How To Prepare For Laser Hair Removal

Are you getting laser hair removal for the first time and don’t know how to prepare?  That’s totally fine! If you are tired of shaving, waxing and epilating and fed up with the time-consuming, major hassle factor, inconvenience, and cost and you want to wear skirts or go to the beach without having to think…

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