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Skin Deep News by Premier Laser

Month: June 2019

How much does Laser Hair Removal cost?

Exactly how much does laser hair removal cost for men and women? We all know hair growth is one of the most frustrating aspects of adult life. It’s a constant chore to shave or wax, and we often find ourselves stressing out about how we look and cursing hair for growing back so quickly. It’s…

Laser Hair Removal for Brides

With the big day approaching most brides have a huge amount to worry about, from the weather to the food and everything in between. However, how the dress looks, and in particular, how you feel in it is also a key concern in the year leading up to the wedding. One of the elements that…

Manzilian, The Top 5 Benefits of Bikini Hair Removal for Men

The Manzilian, aka ‘boyzilian’, ‘guyzilian’ ‘mens bikini’ or ‘manscaping’, whatever you call it is rising in popularity.  Trends suggest laser hair removal in 2019 is no longer a female dominated treatment.  In contrast male hair removal is on the up, so step aside ladies laser hair removal for men is here to stay. increasing popularity…

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