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London Premier Laser & Skin Blog

Month: July 2018

Laser Hair Removal – Why You Need More Than One Treatment

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text]Laser hair removal is a very efficient process. It doesn’t work the same for everyone, though. Many people need multiple treatments. This is because we all have different hair growth rates, patterns, and density. Our hair pattern changes throughout our lives because our bodies are changing throughout our lives. A few treatments will be able…

Microneedling – the solution to stretchmarks

Can microneedling help remove stretch marks? Across our 8 London clinics we are noticing more men and women are turning to microneedling to deal with their stretch marks. Stretch marks are most commonly caused by changes in weight and pregnancy and occur when your skin stretches quickly. what are stretch marks? Stretch marks rarely cause…

Treatments to Get You Wedding Ready

You want to look your best when you’re preparing for your wedding. There are a number of treatments that can help you achieve your best look. Each comes with particular strengths, depending on your goal. The best approach is to coordinate with a single clinic that can help you form a precise plan of action.…

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