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Skin Deep News by Premier Laser

Month: December 2017

Banish Your Eye Bags!

Imagine this scenario. You put in a good eight hours with your head on the pillow the night before your job interview. You wake up the next morning hoping to look great, but when you glance in the mirror, there are those frustrating bags under your eyes again. What are you doing wrong? Why won’t…

Three Winter Skincare Tips You Need Now!

You’ve probably heard quite a bit about how the summer sun can affect your skin. What you may not know, though, is that winter’s weather can do just as much damage to your skin. While you certainly won’t experience the same issues, you will certainly see a number of problems during the next few months.…

How Your Ethnicity Affects Your Skin

The magic of a diverse world is that there is a full spectrum of skin tones and types. “Beautiful” skin isn’t any one particular colour or shade; it is healthy and vibrant. Ethnicity plays a part not only in the tone of your skin, but in how it responds to physiological and environmental factors. Let’s…

How to Care for Your Skin in the Winter

There’s plenty to love about winter: the crisp weather, the gorgeous snow-covered trees, the cosy days under a blanket with a hot mug of cocoa. But the long cold months also wreak havoc on the skin. Winter temperature and winds strip away moisture and can leave skin chapped, irritated, tight and itchy. How can you…

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